
Selena Tatum Isles

Selena Tatum Isles in demand as a DJ, producer and sound maven. An eclectic pioneer in her craft, she cuts and strings together sounds and songs that force the soul to move in representation of joy, be it dance, a yoga practice, block parties or afterhours.
Seriousblack’s wildly calm and versatile approach makes her highly sought-after in dynamic projects. One has to mention that she is also a single mother, touring with her son all year round. When not behind the decks or in production; she can be found in yoga studios in Montreal and abroad teaching and guiding other seekers toward inner calm.
Her resume is extensive, yet she maintains an extensive touring schedule involving various artists that she has opened for and shared the stage with. She has also appeared in festivals and organizations.
In 2015 she was signed to Black Swan Sounds and cut her first EP with them “END TRANSMISSION”, her second release” THE FUNKY TROPICAL” was released June 2016. With 5 prior independent releases under her belt, she continues to surprise audiences with her bold and live performances, bringing audiences to a wild calm within yoga studios or a frenzy of unbridled joy on the dancefloor.

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