Brandee Safran


Digestive Disorder

Do you suffer from Crohn’s, Ulcerative Colitis (UC), IBS, or other common digestive symptoms (bloating, stomach pain, gas, cramps, etc.)?

Listen to my interview




Yoga for digestive health upcoming session

Come experience a healing journey towards improving your body, mind, and digestion.
Yoga for Digestive Health is an 8-week program (includes 1 Personal Care one-on-one consultation session with Brandee) that offers weekly classes that teach you how to improve your relationship with your digestion through yoga poses, breathing, meditation practices, discussion, and self-care techniques.

Please take this class.
You can change your life.

My Yocomo Web Radio interview


Video YouTube


Yoga is not...

Yoga is not about the body or the mind but a method to synthesize the two. Yoga invites us to harmonize our body, breath and mind as a way to experience wakefulness and compassion in our daily lives. Yoga’s language is that of self-awareness, both physical and mental and how to listen to it, move with it and be with it.

May yoga inspire each of us to live our life to its fullest potential. May your yoga continually nourish, heal and inspire our hearts
- Brandee

Contact me

Please write or call me for a pratice, a yoga class
1 (514) 298-2324